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Hermes MSH

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Hermes MSH release
ebMail release 1.0.0

Hermes MSH

Hermes is a Message Service Handler (MSH) implementation. It is in compliance with the OASIS ebXML Message Service (ebMS V2) standard.



 Nightly build source code

Disclaimer: the code in nightly build is not tested thoroughly

 Shipping Agent Data Handler Sample Code



ebMail is a GUI system which helps users with minimal knowledge on ebXML to engage in B2B activities. The user interface is email-client-like andthe underlying system makes use of open standards (ebXML) to communicate with business partners.

 release 1.0.1



ebXML Registry/Repository is a general registry adopting a generic and extensible information model that includes the ability to have arbitrary associations between entries in the registry. The repository is a way of storing information about entries in the registry.

A detailed download and installation guide can be found in ebxmlrr project homepage.